Tunnel, Glastonbury

In whatever I do in life, it seems as though I’m always chasing that darn light. All through elementary, middle school, junior high, high school, college, and now the “Real World,” I have had deadlines and dates that are marked with arrows and stars, signaling that this, this one HERE, is the last day I will have to take an art exam, return a college textbook, see my friends before I move to the UK. These days are my tunnels. Tunnels aren’t necessarily bad things (they aren’t cornucopias of love, either), but they’re milestones of anxiety, relief, grief, frustration, and energy. When I get through one, another is immediately in its place, and I may be hurdling down several other tunnels at the same time!

Today, as I see the quarter drawing to a close, that tunnel’s light is getting brighter with each sentence I type and with each page I read. However, another, more personal tunnel has descended, and is ready to consume me. This is a more emotional tunnel, and I fear the darkness may try to undo me and all my work and accomplishments. However, after speaking to my dad, who is truly the best advisor I could ever ask for, and reading this post, I know I can weather this storm too, and burst out of the tunnel whenever it ends.

Although tunnels can are an indication of “to do” lists, deadlines, assignments, work, and other necessities, my life would be incomplete without them.  I hope the tunnels never stop.  Otherwise, it would mean I’d stopped learning and testing myself.  After all, Lillian Smith said: “When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die.”


Here is 1000 Awesome Things’ Post #567: Getting to the light at the end of the tunnel.

#567 Getting to the light at the end of the tunnel My world was spinning in 2008. After finishing school in Boston and going on a cross-country road trip with my friends Chris and Ty, I moved to a dusty suburb to live with my brand new wife in my brand new life. Yes, we got married young, we got married quick, and after living on opposite sides of the border we were finally moving in to get busy living. So I slapped on a crisp, fresh shirt and started a new office job while trying to settle into … Read More

via 1000 Awesome Things